Knowledge for Development Center
National Book Development Center
St. Paul University Philippines
National Book Development Board
in partnership with
World Bank – Knowledge for Development Center, St. Paul University Philippines
in partnership with
World Bank – Knowledge for Development Center, St. Paul University Philippines
Booklatan sa KDC CagayanMay 13-15, 2009 • Tuguegarao City
A total of 181 participants from the province of Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela Quirino, Nueva Vizacaya and Kalinga attended the Booklatan sa KDC Caagyan, Readership Enhancement and Advancement (READ) Program for Trainors & Story Telling and Workshop on May 13-15, 2009. The participants were composed of district supervisors, representative from DepEd, principals, college faculty, librarians, preschool teachers, elementary teachers, high school teachers, and education students coming from the university.
The resource speakers were Ms. Anna Rhea Manuel for the READ Program for Trainors, and Mr. Tony Yanza for the Story Telling & Workshop. Ms. Manuel talked about “Every Child a Reader and Book Lover”, “Developing Love for Reading” and “Corrective Reading. Mr. Yanza talked about “The Art of Story Telling”.
Ms. Manuel talks about reading appreciation-building a community of readers and the value of literature.
Ms. Manuel initiated a workshop on approach of pre-reading, during reading and post reading wherein the participants were tasked to identify the words from the story to be unlocked, the strategies in unlocking such words and finally the evaluation.
Mr. Yanza discussed the tools for effective story telling (e.g. book, voice, facial expression and body movement). He also emphasized the importance of the story telling process.
An orientation on National Book Development Board (NBDB) was also conducted during the program by Mr. Glenn Malimban, OIC-Projects Division, NBDB. He presented the goals of NBDB which is to promote the development of a competitive book publishing industry and enhance market growth by promoting lifelong learning and readership. Mr. Malimban highlighted as well the programs and projects of the NBDB.
Mr. Glenn Malimban, OIC-Projects Division of NBDB and Sr. Remy Angela Junio, spc., President of St. Paul University Philippines during the awarding of certificate of appreciation.
Ms. Eva B. Brillo, the KIRN Director/KDC Coordinator oriented the participants concerning the services offered by the Knowledge for Development Center. She explained the function of KDCs as a knowledge hub with a collection of materials on development issues and as a venue for knowledge sharing activities such as focused group discussions, videoconferences, dialogues, and partnerships with local government and private sectors organizations. She gave a brief orientation on the resources and services available at the SPUP KDC managed by the KDC Information Staff Mr. Ronaldo P. Sumait who also served as organizer of this fruitful event.
Mr. Glenn Malimban giving an orientation on NBDB
The participants during the storytelling workshop
The SPUP Education Students with Mr. Yanza, Mr. Malimban & Dr. Erlinda Abiva, Alcala West District Supervisor
The Certificate Program for Teachers (CPT) Participants coming from the province of Batanes, Cagayan, Isabela, Quirino, Nueva Vizcaya, Kalinga & Apayao
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