Videoconference On Improving The Quality And Responsiveness Of Public Spending In Poor Communities Through Localized Procurement Reform
Its key innovative feature is the development of an enabling partnership between the community members and CSOs and the local government units for procurement reform. It promotes the participation of volunteers from poor communities in barangay and municipal bids and awards and committees, and supports the institutionalization of participatory procurement processes.
Intended beneficiaries would include community members in barangays located in the twelve (12) target municipalities across the country based on a criteria developed by TAN. Amulung, Cagayan, a third class municipality which composed of 47 barangays has been fortunately identified as a lone pilot municipality in the region.
Known for its excellence and active community involvement, SPUP has been tapped as an academic/training institution and expected to perform the following tasks:
1. Training
a. Identify possible resource persons that will attend and be trained on the manuals developed by the project and contract the same for the series of trainings,
b. Organize and conduct the series of municipal and barangay training activities
2. Pilot testing
a. Plan for the actual pilot testing of the manuals specially the community participation in procurement manual at the barangay level
b. Provide coaching to the participants during the pilot testing of the manual
c. Gather insights, lessons, and other information related to the pilot-testing for the manual’s and the pilot testing’s improvement
3. Documentation
a. Submit reports documenting the pilot testing of the manuals including insights and lessons on the processes and suggest ways to improve the manuals
b. Present and share these lessons and experiences during the learning exchanges to be conducted by late 2012 or early 2013.
o Procurement Manual for Local Government Units
o Observer’s Guide to Procurement
o Supplemental Modules on Social Accountability and Resource Mobilization
The Videoconference Participants
SPUP: Dr. Talamayan, Dr. Tanguilan, Mr. Imperio, Mr. Cambri and Mr. Sumait
KDC & TAN: Mr. Grageda, Mr. Abrigo, Mr. Lazatin, Mr. Abadeza and Ms. Flores
SPUP: Dr. Talamayan, Dr. Tanguilan, Mr. Imperio, Mr. Cambri and Mr. Sumait
KDC & TAN: Mr. Grageda, Mr. Abrigo, Mr. Lazatin, Mr. Abadeza and Ms. Flores